Saturday, June 15, 2013

paragraph 9::Proposed Landscape Conservation and Revitalization of Kuala Linggi Cultural Heritage Village, Alor Gajah, Malacca

Hello world! Hello peeps!

How is it going?


Sorry been busy these days since I've been working out for design of projects in India and China. Working as a landscape architect (I would rather call my self as junior landscape architect anyway)is enjoyable so far. 

It is all back to you whether you wanna be a truly landscape architect or you wanna rich easier. That's the question you have to answer. As far as my concern, I am passionate into design and wanna see the thing that have been drawn by us being constructed on site. So I am enjoying the experience right now, and hopefully I would gain even more experience soon! Yeahh!

 Anyway, I was on my way back to Johore from City Hall to Jurong East interchange to get my bus there. So keep calm and be ready to enjoy this issue! Paragraph 9th would reveal my final year project on my proposal of landscape conservation and revitalization of Kuala Linggi Cultural Heritage Village, Malacca, Malaysia.

Brainstorming Trip at Cherating, Pahang. We are visiting a peat swamp forest.

Brainstorming trip ended here in Perhentian Island, where we were distributed to few small groups to discuss about our design intent and issues.
I would like to start 9th paragraph by enter-phasing my current project for my Bachelor in Landscape Architecture at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia! Considering this as my recent project, I would have to put my highest gratitude to The Almighty Lord for giving such a miracle to complete this studio with distinction! Alhamdulillah, I managed to get few awards and small recognition nationally and internationally beside of deriving an A for my final year project. 

So basically, we were required to select sites and send our studio coordinator the initial design intent together with client brief and site photos. Once we received a green light from them then only we can meet the client for design brief and so forth for the stage of inventory and analysis...

I went to Kuala Linggi several times to do field study, either by myself or accompanied by some of my colleagues. This field studies are important in order to identify site issues and condition so that the data that we received from client could be verified accordingly. Then we will analysis and synthesize all the data to meet a conclusion on how are we going to design the site. Those boards shown below is my inventory, analysis and synthesis.    

SITE BRIEF : Landuses & Community Profile Inventory & Analysis (A1)

SITE APPRAISAL : Natural Resources Biodiversity Inventory & Analysis (A1)

SITE APPRAISAL : Cultural Resources Diversity Inventory & Analysis (A1)

SITE APPRAISAL : Accessibility and Visual Quality Inventory & Analysis (A1)

Over-layering site synthesis (A0)
 The site was located in Melaka in border with Negeri Sembilan province, Kuala Linggi village has been notified as one of the earliest villages occupied by the Bugis  and Dutch that recently facing degradation in terms of its heritage significance as well as cultural resources biodiversity. 

Located at the higher right bank of Linggi River mouth, near the Straits of Malacca. The fort was also known as Supai Hill Fort because when it was established, the Dutch stationed a regiment of mercenaries there called as Supoi. Kuala Linggi Fort was built as a monument of peace between Bugis  and Dutch. Fort Supai was gazette as a historical monument under the Antiques Act of 1976. Basically there are few historic remnants were commonly found on ground of the village such as traditional malay houses with distinctive architectural features, Pagar Ruyung Sultanate throne tombs as well  as Supai Fort Hill or well known as the Dutch Fort. 

Recently the site appears to be abandoned and less in maintenance, accessibility, permeability as well as promotion in terms of heritage tourism. It is magnificent landscape resources that need to be conserved , revitalized and integrated with surrounding contextual site as to evoke the site as cultural tourism spot for Alor Gajah district.

These intervention suggestions have been aligned with intervention suggestion by UNESCO (1992), where by the ranking of conservation action plan are; Conservation for low intervention, Restoration for moderate intervention and Enhancement for high intervention;

(i) Conservation or Low intervention
It is aimed at conserving the existing character but incorporating proper management or enhancement of certain features of importance that contribute to the character.

(ii) Restoration or Moderate intervention
Emphasis is given on restoring a positive and coherent character to areas of degraded existing landscape.

(iii) Enhancement or High intervention
A new landscape character will be created for the degraded poor condition of the landscape where the former identity is totally lost.

In accordance to Garnham, Launce and Harry (1985), there are several factors contributing to the image making of a site. The factors are; i) physical characteristic such as vegetation and building typology; ii) distinctive cultural and daily activities and iii) symbolism and metaphor. As for the whole information gathered, we can clearly declare that cultural heritage village is an essential resource as to promote cultural tourism activities. There are major concerns before every development can get started. 

A distinctive study must be done in order to consider the villagers will be able to sustain themselves doing their daily activities as part of exhibitory for tourism activities happen. The conservation action must seriously be occupied to reveal the identity and true images of Kuala Linggi as a cultural village that contains historical remnants. We should manage the resources wisely in terms of the heritage interpretation plan as well as the design program for a village that contain both cultural activities and historic sites.

Then we came up to a stage to idealize our design intent in accordance to the synthesis plan by proposing a conceptual plan and preliminary landscape plan. In relation with site context the concept development 'Patches of Remembrances' had been chosen. 'Patches of Remembrance' symbolizes the diligence of old women in Kuala Linggi Village that previously create the ceiling of traditional house using patches with high workmanship. The concept of patches is used to represent several methodologies of integrating the degraded cultural remnants, forgotten tradition and natural resources in Kuala Linggi as one of scrambled occupation spot in previous time.

Conceptual Boards (A0)

The development of master plan for Kuala Linggi Cultural Heritage Village consists of few major components such as Fort Supai Archaeological Park, Supoi Jetty, Sepetang Kail Jetty, Belat Restaurant, Phinisi Walk, Mengkuang House, Laman Peringatan Madrasah An-Nur, Kubang Kerbau Farmland, Pagar Ruyung Royal Throne Memorial Park and adaptive reuse of traditional houses.

  1. (i)  Fort Supai Archaeological Park
    Fort Supai Archaeological Park will be the highest valued elements in inviting cultural tourism activities because Fort Supai remnants are still visible as tangible cultural landscape resources.

  2. (ii)  Supoi Jetty
    Supoi Jetty will be the economic patches which accommodate visitor with transit for boat cruise for crocodile sanctuary and mangrove trail in the upper Linggi river.

  3. (iii)  Sepetang Kail Jetty
    Sepetang Kail Jetty will be used as fishing port that will also transit visitor who may want to fish in the upper stream of Linggi River.

  4. (iv)  Belat Restaurant
    Belat restaurant will be part of economic patches that adopt belat ( a type of fishing engine used by the Bugis tribe when they first arrived in Kuala Linggi. Belat restaurant will be restored with mangrove that allow for shades and occupy light day operation.

  5. (v)  Phinisi Boardwalk
    Phinisi Boardwalk will be a part of the War Museum that exhibits Bugis war equipment being used during their occupation in Kuala Linggi. This museum will be part of Heritage Interpretation Trail.

  6. (vi)  Mengkuang House
    Mengkuang House is the harvesting and producing workshop for 

    Pandanus product in Kuala Linggi.

  7. (vii)  Laman Peringatan Madrasah An-Nur
    Laman Peringatan Madrasah An-Nur will be the trail that reveal history of Hang Tuah and the 5 warriors who were raised in this village. 

  1. (viii)  Kubang Kerbau Farmland
    Kubang Kerbau farmland will be another patch that created in sustaining the economic activities of Kuala Linggi Village that also sustain the cultural landscape character of Kuala Linggi.

  2. (ix)  Pagar Ruyung Royal Throne Memorial Park
    Located in the highest point in the village, this site have a big potential to reveal history of Raja Melawar descendant from Pagar Ruyung throne that still remain on site.

  3. (x)  Kuala Linggi Museum
    Laman Melayu Kuala Linggi will introduce the earliest occupants of Kuala Linggi which is native Melaka Malay people. The representation would be in series of sculptures and ethnobotany plants. Kuala Linggi Museum will be the center of Laman Melayu Kuala Linggi that help defining unique Malay Architecture in Kuala Linggi traditional house. This area will be inculcated with stage for cultural performances.

  4. (xi)  Adaptive Reuse Homestay Program
    Few selected houses will be used in occupying traditional workshop activities and classes that also incorporate homestay activities with foster family. The houses are;

    1. a)  Wan Dara Traditional Music House
    2. b)  Tengku Yam Traditional Cooking house
    3. c)  Wan Man Silat House
    4. d)  Wan Rahman Traditional Carpenter House
    5. e)  Wan Hasmah Traditional Cooking House 
Master Plan of Kuala Linggi Cultural Heritage Village

Section A-A, B-B and Perspectives (2 A1/Landscape)

Aerial View and Interpretation Plan (2xA1/Landscape)

For detailed area plan, Fort Supai Archaeological Park is selected and it covers Kuala Linggi Museum, Anjong Kota Chalet, Laman Peringatan Madrasah An-Nur, Fort Supai, Phinisi boardwalk and Belat restaurant. The concept for detailed area plan is an extension from the concept of Patches of Remembrance but will be specific on heritage which result in the concept of Patches of Heritage Remembrance. This area was chosen because of the major elements in Kuala Linggi Cultural Heritage Village. 

In considering the site location, this site will cover few main approaches in the whole development scheme such as eco-heritage hem-stich, self- sustaining economic patches, cultural heritage patches as an active communal spaces as well as few other minor elements suggested throughout the study. The major concern is  the fort which act as remaining and historical element of the village that is recognized as the major patches to attract cultural tourism activities on site. 
Fort Supai Archaeological Park's Conceptual Plan 
Fort Supai Archaeological Park's Detail Landscape Plan

Section-Elevations C-C. D-D and Perspectives (2xA1/Landscape)

Elevations E-E, Aerial View and Perspectives (2xA1/Landscape)
 The rich natural and cultural biodiversity of Kuala Linggi have much potential as economic sources to prolong the occupation of the villagers. Therefore landscape conservation and revitalization of Kuala Linggi Cultural Heritage Village need to consider the cultural and heritage interpretation of the site concurrently to recent development direction of the village as a cultural tourism spot activity. There are a lot of sensitivities to be in concern with as to evoke the image and identity of site.

Appropriate designation interventions must goes in accordance with the cultural and natural resources diversity that will slowly established socio-economic activities which will help to sustain the community to occupy the village as a tourism spot.
Development of Kuala Linggi as a cultural heritage village has few significances in terms of securing the valuable tangible heritage resources which are remaining forts and old Malay Melaka house. 


The implementation concept; Patches of Remembrance will help to sustain all historical remnants (tangible) while sustaining the villagers to stay and occupy the village that will concurrently embrace degraded value of intangible cultural resources. It has been said that, at its best, preservation engages the past in conversation with the present over a mutual concern for the future J. Murtagh, 1988). I was supervised by LAr. Dr Hamidah Ahmad and supervised by LAr. Assoc. Prof. Zainul Hakim Mohd Zain, LAr. Dr Sapura Mohamad, Dr Mohd Hisyam Rasidi and assisted by Mr Mohd Najib Waheed. 

Through this projects I had received numerous recognition such as; 
i) ILAM (Institute of Landscape Architects Malaysia) Academic Awards

ii) Documented as proceedings paper in International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA APR) Cultural Landscape Symposium 2012.

iii) Special graphic exemption for ACLA 2013 (Asian Cultural Landscape Association which will be held in Seoul National University, Korea this coming October!
All right reserved to Department of Landscape Architecture, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 


  1. i damn like it... secret????....

    1. Thanks! I have no secret, but I do believe whatever that we do in our daily life should be consider as an act of worship. And I insist to perform my all in every worship! Cheers

  2. Thanks! Secret? There's no such a secrecy.. Its all bout your passion..

  3. Bila tempat ni akan dijadikan tempat perkampungan bersejarah?

    1. I am not sure about it but the proposal has been extended to the local authority.

  4. Hi Zainab, I would love to here further about it.. Maybe we can interact better thru my email?

  5. Your works are amazing. Very helpful for student like me! Thank you :D

    1. Thank you Pika Kadir. Enjoy the work, be better than me :-)

  6. i think you are one of my super senoir. hahha. anyways, currently im study about cultural landscape and my opinion is, cultural landscape is one of the hardest thing to design. because there a lot of thing you can't touch and i don't really know want to touch.

  7. am currently in my senior year in landscape architecture and this help a lottttt with my cultural landscape study. thanks !

  8. oh and i was amazed by your manual aerial view as we only use drone nowadays. that's so fascinating for me.

  9. Can i know your design principle on this cultural landscape design?

  10. Hi all,

    Thanks for all of your comments. I am the author of this blog and if you want to be in touch with any questions feel free to contact me via Linked In.

    Abdul Fahim Razali | Associate
    Arcadia Landscape Architecture
    Sydney Australia
